Presenting the assembly with the topic on “Acts of Kindness”,  started with a curtain raiser video. Next was the introduction made by two students, it was a short conversation between the two students on what they thought kindness was about. The class teacher of 6A then shared a video on kindness which told us that kindness is like a muscle which we need to flex every day. 

Next was the Om chanting and the prayer followed by 6 crusaders who talked about 6 acts of kindness we can do in our daily lives. Then followed the First Virtual Flash Mob, where 8 students danced to a song based on kindness followed by a collage video where a few students conveyed a message with a song played in the background, based on kindness. 

We next had a student’s talk where two students shared two, real-life incidents. From those two incidents, we learned that a small act of kindness can make someone’s day or it might even leave a  mark in the person’s heart. The assembly was then concluded with a teacher’s talk and a few words from the HOS and COD.

Posted by cmradmin

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