All the students here in CMR NPS have always liked our entertaining and joy stimulating assemblies. At the commencement of every class, students relax and enjoy the moral and topic behind the class assembly.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the students missed our good old assemblies and huge gatherings, due to us attending virtual school. But as a doorway, we came up with a fusion of our old assemblies, and the virtual school platform, mainly supported by zoom, subsequently creating an online assembly. As a class, we never expected a class assembly to pop up, and when it did we were all excited about how it would go.
This class assembly was planned, prioritized, and performed entirely by us students, with coordination and help from our class teacher Joy Grace ma’am. We started the preparations and plans of the order of class assembly from the Fourth of September, and with modifications, we came up with a seemingly good plan with chronological order. Our idea to build on was grit, and so our plan went like this – first was a live introduction, by Aditi and Karen, followed by an animated skit on the topic itself, which was pre-prepared and recorded by Avni and Shuvasree. After this was the song on grit and resilience, “Try Everything”, sung by my classmate Abhaya, and me. We knew this couldn’t believe due to various issues, so as a group, we came up with the idea to encompass our whole class’ skills and talents, expressing that we too will try everything, regardless of whether we fail or succeed. The last part was a live conclusion, by Jayadeep, followed by a credits video prepared by Nidhi, of all our roles in the creation of the class assembly.
In the creation of this class assembly, coordination and getting work done was a very difficult task, as everybody had their work and were not always comfortable with timings of zoom conferences, but we did collaborate with a lot of effort, and slowly but steadily we developed our content for the class assembly. All of us learned new things too, from this, mainly we learned that grit and perseverance are needed everywhere, even in our class assembly! I learned video and audio editing, and everyone learned how to work as a team! All were very enthusiastic to contribute towards the class assembly.
The day before the class assembly, we were very sceptical of many factors – the duration of the class assembly, whether people were familiar and well-rehearsed with their parts, and whether the internet connection would be good or not for the next day! We held an interim class assembly that evening, and the timing came perfect. But we were still uncertain and panicky that if the live presenters had connectivity issues, then we would need backups, and so we even prepared backups for the live parts and rehearsed along with them too. Hence we covered up almost every aspect of our class assembly, and to our relief, it came out very good! We performed virtually in front of almost 230 participants of CMR NPS on the 16th of September. We received appreciation for all our efforts, and we felt good with ourselves too.
Adhvik KS
7 A – 3