The Breakfast Club last Saturday was a totally different experience for grades 5 and 6 students. Almost 115 curious grade 5 and 6 students logged in to attend the General Knowledge Quiz Event, conducted by three energetic grade 6 students. The entire event was well planned and organized by our three young quiz masters.

The confident quiz masters started the event by informing the audience about the new Kahoot platform which was used in the event. They were walked through the entire event stepwise to give clearing instructions about the steps that need to be followed. The instructions were repeated and a wait time was allotted so that each student had ample time to log in to participate.

The questions were well planned, starting from easy ones and transiting to difficult ones and ending with questions with bonus points. The excitement of the audience was very evident when they were able to view the names of the winners after each question, which kept the nail-biting excitement till the end. As the difficulty level increased, the tension and nervousness on the participant’s faces also seemed to increase. The anxiousness and tension to know their answer and position was evident on each one’s face. 

Finally, after 23 exciting questions, the winners were announced and the 1st place was bagged by Arun Kumar Balaji of grade 6, followed by Mukesh of grade 5 who bagged the 2nd position and Nishika in the 3rd position. The Runners up were Devananda of grade 5 and Rishank of grade 6.

The event ended with a poll where 57% of the participants said that they enjoyed the event while 63% felt that they had learned something new. The audience wanted more of these in the future too.
The students of the quizzing club looked very happy and contented that they were able to help their friends spend some memorable, fun, and educational moments today. 


Rohit and Lochan

Grade 6

Posted by seniorccacoordinator

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