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Project Nova

Project Nova is an initiative to bring an affordable hoverboard to the masses. Currently, in its prototyping stage, it has achieved all milestones set to it, even exceeding some. I would know, as I, Dakshin Viswanathan, from grade 9D, am its creator.
The entire project is built around the concept of simplicity, with no major programming-intensive components like motherboards. Instead, it relies on basic thrust and maneuvering to achieve desired levitation.
The core concept of the levitation of the hoverboard is thrust, with power-to-weight ratio, propeller dynamics, motor speed, and battery power playing important roles in contributing to the thrust produced.
It is powered by a 2200-mAh LiPo battery, thrust by two A2212 1400-rpm brushless DC motors, each linked to a Simonk 30A speed controller, which is controlled by a simple potentiometer. It uses readily available nylon propellers, which are strong and can withstand impact at high speeds.
The entire prototyping process cost around ₹12,000, a relatively low cost for a product in development, but a high sum for the common man to invest in a project. The entire development process took around 6 months.
The current model, Nova X-2 (Experimental Hoverboard 2) weighs 1450 g and can carry max. the payload of 300g, and can achieve sustained, albeit unstable, hovering of about 1 foot.
The hoverboard has made staggering progress, emerging from a CAD to a fully working prototype. It has a great capacity to be developed further in the future.

Posted by cmradmin

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