“Skill is the unified force of experience, intellect and passion in their operation.” – John Ruskin
Having street smarts is as important as having book smarts. Without experience and practical skills, people tend to have a narrow worldview; rather, they don’t give as much thought to developing such skills. They often tell us to step back from playing to focus on our studies or that our hobbies will always remain ‘just’ hobbies and won’t help us achieve anything solid.
For a long time now, colleges and offices have given high importance to a person’s different skills. These skills aren’t necessarily limited to skills related to art or sports. They can also be ‘vague’ skills like teamwork, analytical or logical skills, social skills and critical thinking. These skills help build a strong resume and portfolio. Being open to developing more skills also helps people get better job opportunities. For example, my mother is nearly fifty… and while people usually get ready to retire soon, my mom spends hours and hours on online certifications to develop her skills. These skills have helped her rise to a higher position that is a better fit for her.
Traits like confidence are precious, even just in front of a camera. Since today’s society is severely dependent on the media, being shy in real life isn’t as crippling as it would have been thirty years ago. Nowadays, people can just be themselves behind a camera; that is a skill.
Skill development processes help students, teachers, and people think out of the box. It helps them tap into their potential and hone their skills. This helps them prepare for their careers or better their lives. They develop real-life skills and the ‘street smarts’ previously mentioned.
Education and skill development go hand in hand. They prepare the students for any kind of pressure, academic or peer-wise.
Other or extracurricular activities are equally important in maintaining a student’s well-being and development. Students are usually practical learners, and therefore, educational tours where students get to explore and learn at the same time while the exposure becomes a core memory are essential.
Other than students, even adults in today’s world recognize the benefits of tours and travelling. They realize a healthy mind helps them focus more and grow. Travelling also helps one grow independent and discover new things. Anyone can learn to rely on themselves when left alone in an unfamiliar and foreign place. They know how to communicate and provide for themselves. These are also major traits a person can develop.
Developing skills through courses and experiences can benefit someone if they know how to exercise them. Skills are not second to anything in this world, life-wise.

– Snigdha Banerjee
Grade 11H