Category: CMRNPS Community

#InsideCMRNPS: Virtual Assembly – Skit + Student Speak + Teacher Speak, Grade 12
Mellow jazz music sounded in the background as the administrative team, teachers and students joined in on the zoom call. The audience was greeted merrily...

#InsideCMRNPS: PET FEST, By, Ms. Gomathi, Primary grade
Pet Fest is the biggest event conducted in India with numerous activities, workshops, and stalls dedicated to bringing pets and their owners closer. Pets are...

#InsideCMRNPS – Pre Primary Assembly based on Seasons by Ms. Aparna
Topic: Seasons A wonderful start of the day by the students of Sec A, C & E who conducted the virtual assembly on “Seasons”. The...

#InsideCMRNPS – Social Interaction – Grade 1
GRADE 1 – MEET AND GREET “If we want our children to move mountains, we first have to let them get out of their chairs.”...

Pre-Primary Republic Day Celebrations by Ms. Monisha
To instill the feeling of patriotism and help our little citizens understand the importance of this special day, Republic Day was celebrated at CMRNPS Pre-primary...

Musical Session ft Indian Music Experience Museum by Tarushi Thakur, Grade 12
We are back to report another exciting expert talk which was truly one of a kind! Today we were joined by not one but three...

Christmas Celebrations at CMRNPS by Ms. Aparna
The much-awaited festival of Christmas was celebrated with fervor and zeal by the tiny tots of CMRNPS on 23rd December. To spread the message of...

#StudentBlogger: How The Breakfast Club Kept Us Connected!
When the pandemic started, many things were taken away from us. One of them was school. When COVID-19 appeared, our school CMR NPS shut down...

#InsideCMRNPS: NEP 2020- The Changing Perspectives of Education in India By Ms. Swati Soni
“Learners will change how they act upon the world when old ways are no longer effective in getting what they want.” The National Education Policy...