Primary Sports day for Grade 1, 2 and 3
At CMRNPS, we firmly uphold that sports and bodily developments are just as crucial as academic growth. Among other health benefits, engaging in sports instills...

The Speedo Invitational Swimming Championship- Jonah K wins 3 Medals
Swimming is an individual or team racing sport that requires the use of one’s entire body to move through water. The sport takes place in...

Halloween and All Saints Day @ CMRNPS
Halloween is also known as “All Saints” Eve, it is a celebration observed in several countries on 31 October, it is a feast of All...

Saahas: The Story of Capeless Heroes- CMRNPS Annual Day Celebration
The most awaited Senior School Annual Day finally arrived on the 10th of November 2019 . The students of Senior School of CMR NPS were...

UTSAV- CMRNPS Annual Day Celebrations for Grades 6-9
On the 8th of November, we celebrated a cultural night wrapped in colours, lights and a heartily festive mood. UTSAV- Our middle school annual day...

Expert Talk with Aakash Anuj
This week, we mark a new name in the list of mentors who have enlightened our students with their valuable knowledge and experience. Today’s expert...

Diwali @CMRNPS
Diwali or Festival of Lights is one of the biggest festivals in India. It is a festival that celebrates the return of victorious Lord Ram...

Lets Go Boogie!
Dance is the hidden language of the Soul”. It helps in the wholesome development of a student’s personality, which is a huge player in helping...

GENX Champions! Again
Time and again our students have made us proud by proving that they can excel in the classroom as well as in the field. Boys...

Expert Talk by Ms.Subha on her book “How to become little writers”
Little Writer’s Meet: Ms.Subha began the session by narrating a story on how she participated in writing contest during her school days and won a...