Category: Entertainment

Story telling by Kathalaya
Storytelling is an ancient and valuable art that extends around the globe. The History of stories dates back to the existence of human life depicted...

Onam celebrations at our CMRNPS pre-primary
Onam is the biggest festival in the state of Kerala. It is a harvest festival celebrating the reward of nature after a year of hard work...

Learning Showcase – September 2019
It was not just another day at CMRNPS, but a day that showcased the enormous talent that the students of CMRNPS have. On the 7th...

Parent’s Day – FESTUM
It is a bright sunny day in Bangalore as CMRNPS hosted FESTUM, the celebration of Parent’s Day. Students worked tirelessly to get everything sorted for...

Physical Education the Zumba way
Zumba is an exercise fitness program created by Colombian dancer and choreographer Alberto Beto Perez during the 1990s. A Zumba class combines fast and slow...