#InsideCMRNPS: Welcome to Breakfast Club
Our breakfast club is conducted every Saturday morning from 10:00 to 10:30 am. It is an informal meeting with our class. It is supposed to...

#StudentBlogger: Taking a break at the #breakfastclub
A long weekday with all the online classes might give you a headache. We need a break! The breakfast club is an interactive and entertaining...

#TeacherBlogger: Good classroom management is key for a better student-teacher relationship
As teachers, we face this situation very often – how to cover the learning portion and manage the class effectively while maintaining a positive relationship...

#StudentBlogger : With Faith in our hearts and spirit in our steps
Independence Day is celebrated every year on the 15th of August commemorating India’s independence from British rule after two centuries of freedom struggle. Very rarely...

#TeacherBlogger: Parameters to gauge understanding and application
Assessment is the core of education which can strongly affect teaching and learning and gauge students’ understanding and application. For the past thirty-three years, I...

#TeacherBlogger: Preparing children to fair well on a global platform
With the explosion of advances in technology in the past century, the world we live in and work in is changing at a rapid pace....

InsideEkya: The Brain Benders Club
Brain benders are one of the many online clubs in CMR National public school. The name of the club says it all, Brain benders as...

#Student Blogger: Feminism is for everybody!
Feminism, the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. Although largely originating in the West, feminism is manifested worldwide and is represented...

#TeacherBlogger: Why are Grandparents a family’s greatest treasure?
Stories that linger in our minds and bring a smile to our face, the heartwarming hugs and advice that pour in day after day, that...

#TeacherBlogger: Writing for an audience and how children can be better writers
Putting it together for an audience Where do I even begin is probably the most common question students ask me about writing and understandably so!...