CoordinatorBlogger: Ms Suma Mohan Primary – Academic Coordinator, CMRNPS
PETS P- Plenty of fun when around E- Expressive, enlightening my life, enjoyment to the fullest T- Tender, transforming me, togetherness always This is how...

#LeadershipBlogger: Embracing Digital Education Amidst Covid By, Mrs. Pravitha Nair Middle School Academic Coordinator, CMRNPS
Those were quite normal working days. The news of the deadly virus outbreak was well heard in our ears until we actually felt it come...

#StudentBlogger: The Assassin’s Teapot By, Akshita Nair Grade 7B, CMRNPS
Our health is an invaluable asset. It can make, or break our life. It can aid your success, or it can eternally torment you and...

#TeacherBlogger: Virtual Assembly By, Namratha Lilly Kruppa Lokku Primary Teacher, CMRNPS
The greatness of a culture is found in its festivals. Festivals act like stress busters and help us in balancing our emotions. Life is all...

#TeacherBlogger: The New Platform By, Shivani Taraphdar Primary Teacher, CMRNPS
Blogging – The New Platform The advancement of new technologies and digital life has paved a new path for today’s youth. With the passing year’s...

#StudentBlogger: The Christmas Class Assembly! By, L Pushkar Skanda CMRNPS
Christmas, the jolly, fun time of the year which is awaited by everyone! And to have the opportunity to do our class assembly upon this...

#StudentBlogger: 55Th ITF Anniversary World Championship By, Mehul Joe IX C, CMRNPS
It all started when my coach suggested I participate in the selections of the Indian team for The 55th ITF Anniversary World Championship held at...

#StudentBlogger: Filling Food That Dazzles The Mind By, Adhvik K S Grade 8A, CMRNPS
My Blog Filling Food That Dazzles The Mind ___ By Adhvik K S I believe that food is the universal language for all of us....

#StudentBlogger: Santa’s Favorite Cookie Baking Session By, Vedasri Krishna Grade 4A, CMRNPS
The year 2021, didn’t it start just a few days back? After a long, big, and hectic year, I was thinking that the last working...

#TeacherBlogger: Assembly Christmas By, Ms Gomathi Primary Teacher, CMRNPS
Christmas is now celebrated by people around the world. It’s a time when family and friends come together and remember the good things they have....