Creating an Effective Resume – Expert Talk by Mr. Ravichander
‘The challenge of life, I have found, is to build a resume, that doesn’t simply tell a story about what you want to be, but...

Pre-primary Sports Day 2018
Pre-primary Sports Day “School sports – a place where lessons are being still learned, and where athletes still compete for the love of the game...

CMRNPS in the USA: The NASA Experience
The NASA Experience Travel to Mars is something that we all may dream about, but not really venture into. Senior students of CMR National Public...

The Week That Was at CMRNPS – November 2018
Here is a round-up of a week’s activities at CMR National Public School, as we head to the end of November Science Quiz A quiz...

Field Trip to the 10K Nasscom Startup Warehouse
Field Trip to the 10K Nasscom Startup Warehouse Earlier this month, our Grade XII students had the great opportunity of visiting the warehouse of 10,000...

Movie Time at CMR National Public School
Movie Time at CMR National Public School People say that in order to evolve intellectually, you need to read books. Sure, the books play a...