Category: Leadership Blogger

#LeadershipBlogger: Embracing Digital Education Amidst Covid By, Mrs. Pravitha Nair Middle School Academic Coordinator, CMRNPS
Those were quite normal working days. The news of the deadly virus outbreak was well heard in our ears until we actually felt it come...

#LeadershipBlogger: My Journey on The Road Called “Educator” By, Ms Suma Mohan Primary – Academic Coordinator, CMRNPS
My journey on the road called “Educator” The Road Not Taken BY ROBERT FROST Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel...

#LeadershipBlogger: NEP 2020 – A breakthrough in the Modern Education System in India – By, Mrs Swati Soni, Head of School, CMRNPS
NEP 2020 is based on the pillars of access- access to education to all the students irrespective of their geographical location/resources, equity- amongst all the...

#LeadershipBlogger: Raising an only child during Pandemic! – By, Mrs. Parinitha Shetty, CCA Coordinator
Raising an only child during Pandemic! With playdates canceled and school now virtual, solely young children are experiencing isolation at a formative time – However...

#LeadershipBlogger: Stress – By, Ms. Suma Mohan, Primary – Academic Coordinator, CMRNPS
Stress “I miss being a little kid with no stress, worries, or care in the world”. A lovely wall hanging was seen hanging on the...

#LeadershipBlogger: Travel is my Therapy – By, Ms. Swati Soni, Head of School, CMR National Public School
TRAVEL IS MY THERAPY The old saying goes that you don’t know what you have got until it’s gone and it’s proved painfully correct since...

#LeadershipBlogger: Better Late than Never By Swapna Prajeeth, CCA Co-coordinator, CMRNPS
“Better three hours too soon than a minute too late” by William Shakespeare is apt for a person who had been very punctual and disciplined...