11 Reading Tips for First Graders

Our series so far has explored reading tips for Infants, Toddlers, and Kindergarteners. In this blog piece, we visit the age group that’s one step...

/ March 1, 2018

9 Reading Tips for Toddlers

Being a toddler is all about action. Encourage continued language development and interest in books and reading by keeping things lively and engaging. Everyday experiences...

/ February 21, 2018

10 Reading Tips for Kindergarteners

As a kindergartener, reading is a skill that is important to pick on early on, especially since it is key to your child’s academic future....

/ February 16, 2018

5 Reading Tips for Infants

It’s never too early to read to your little one. As soon as your child is born, he or she starts learning. Just by talking...

/ February 4, 2018

Why 100 mark papers are a thing of the past

The first standard measure of human intelligence was developed in the early 1900s. French psychologist Alfred Binet designed the formal IQ test which was administered...

/ December 4, 2017

Deferring Judgement and Encouraging Wild Ideas: Design Thinking at CMRNPS

At the crux of Design Thinking lies creativity, the definitive cog that keeps the process going. Ms. Ahlada, facilitator at our school’s Design Thinking Challenge...

/ November 20, 2017

Focus on the process, not the outcome: Design Thinking at CMRNPS

Under “CMR for Better Bangalore”, the Design Thinking Challenge at CMR National Public School is aimed at helping the specially-abled to actively participate and be...

/ November 16, 2017

Empathy at Design Thinking: Meeting Mr. Farhan

Themed “CMR For Better Bangalore”, CMR National Public School is organizing a Design Thinking Challenge with the objective to help the differently-abled participate actively in...

/ November 14, 2017

Design Thinking at CMR National Public School

What is Design Thinking? Design, in its most common use, is understood to describe an object or an end result. Design Thinking, on the other...

/ October 6, 2017

Your Team-Guide to Blazing Hoops MMXVII

Bangalore’s most awaited Basketball tournament is here! We take a look at the teams who will step into the court over the next 3 days,...

/ August 8, 2017