What started as a Silver Jubilee celebration sparked a school-wide movement to work towards restoring Bangalore. The frail hope that we as students could undertake this massive task never once diminished and with each passing minute, this hope amplified. Accelerate, a celebration turned campaign grew from an idea to a movement.

Two years ago, the brainchild of the students from CMRNPS was brought to life by the commencement of Accelerate. Through this marathon, they had successfully rekindled the spirit of sportsmanship and patriotism. Accelerate’s first edition was held in 2016 and saw over 1675 enthusiastic participants that felt deeply for the cause. The money raised through this event was used to beautify spots across our city (inspired by The Ugly Indian) and inculcate a sense of civic responsibility among the youth and responsible citizens of tomorrow, and the society. The intention behind this initiative is based on the Broken Window Theory, that is, if a place is ugly, then one would not think twice to make it uglier, however, if a place is made beautiful, we hesitate before littering.

Though the objective for Accelerate 2K18 is to make Bangalore a greener, cleaner and better place to live – the same as 2016- it’s going to be bigger and better this time. This year’s Accelerate team strives to outdo the previous year just as we expect the future teams to outdo us. Our hearts beat harder now than they ever have. They beat for Bangalore.

A drone shot video of Accelerate 2016, courtesy of Quad Cast:

Accelerate 2k18 will be held on 17th November. Register now here!

Posted by cmradmin

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