A book is a gift you can open again and again. 

  • Garrison Keillor

When we read a book, we should read it for pleasure. We should just indulge ourselves in reading and experience a whole new world. While almost any reading will improve our mind, in a world where there is too much to do, we must be selective in the books we read.

When children read a book, they put themselves in the story in front of them. This allows them to develop empathy as they experience the lives of other characters and can identify with how they are feeling. Children can then use this understanding to empathize in the real world with other people. Additionally, children will gain a greater understanding of emotions, which can help them understand their own emotions and those of others. 

We in CMR NPS are using this week as an opportunity to educate our children on the importance of reading. We wanted to promote children to learn to value books and stories. To spark their imagination and stimulate curiosity. Reading for pleasure can benefit a child’s education, social and cognitive development, their wellbeing, and their mental health. 

Today 3rd Feb 2022 is day 3 of reading week. The teacher showed A Silent French short film for students on the importance of the reading week. Though the film was a silent video, children were able to understand the message in the video and were able to connect that the more we read, the more knowledge we gain. And they also realized that even if we try to read all the books in a library, we will have another library in front of us with a new collection of books. So there is no end to reading.

After watching the video children had D.E.A.R time(Drop Everything And Read). Students were very excited for the activity. They took their favorite books and started reading with their classmates. Students were very happy to read books with their friends. Few students tried to recollect the days they spent in the library. It was a great start for the day.

Posted by cmradmin

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